Wine of the Month

List of products by manufacturer Cento Passi

Centopassi is the wine soul of the LIBERA TERRA association which cultivates the land confiscated from the Sicilian mafia located around Corleone in the center of the island.

Incredible history around this vineyard.

What did we believe? That the hectares confiscated in Sicily at the Cosa Nostra were going to remain fallow? That the land, once relieved of its sponsors, would be set aside? Nay!
Making property seized from organized crime grow, creating jobs and wealth, being competitive and ensuring quality: this is the mission of Libera Terra wines in Sicily.

Libera Terra is also harvesting the fruits of decades of hard work. Hectares of vines have thus been taken over in the small village of San Guiseppe Jato, about an hour's drive from Palermo. And we have to believe that the black grape variety of Nero d'Avola is popular, because it is now exported to New York, London, and can even be eaten on Swiss or Japanese tables.

The wine is called, in fact, "Centopassi" - which means "one hundred steps" in Italian - in homage to Giuseppe "Peppino" Impastato, a young journalist who dedicated his life to the fight against the Mafia and who was assassinated in 1978. A hundred steps separated his house, in Cinisi, from that of Gaetano Badalamenti, the chief of Cosa Nostra who ended up having his skin. In 2000, the film I cento passi by Marco Tullio Giordana had deeply moved Italy. Today, it is the turn of the grape variety to pay homage to the martyrs of the mafia.

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  • Cento Passi is the wine-growing soul of the Libera Terra association, which cultivates land confiscated from the mafia in Sicily. A wine with an authentic and original profile. it strikes with the intensity and the southern heat, it is a wine that tastes of Sicily, history, traditions, land scorched by the sun!

    19,00 € In Stock
    In Stock
  • Cento Passi is the wine-growing soul of the Libera Terra association, which cultivates land confiscated from the mafia in Sicily. A wine with an authentic and original profile. it strikes with the intensity and the southern heat, it is a wine that tastes of Sicily, history, traditions, land scorched by the sun!

    19,00 € In Stock
    In Stock
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