There are 4 products.
Bordeaux wines represent multiple gustatory nuances due not only to cultivated varieties but also the influence of terroir.
Bordeaux vineyard produces red wines, dry or sweet white wines from red grapes , it also makes wines rosé and claret.
Bordeaux wines are made from the following varieties: . Cabernet franc , cabernet sauvignon , merlot for red wines , plus Petit Verdot , Malbec and Carmenere
Sauvignon, Semillon and Muscadelle for white wines , plus Ugni Blanc, Colombard and white merlot .
A ball of energy and aromatic notes of jammy black fruit, caramel and wood that lengthen towards a charmingly round finish.Six different humorous labels, signed by the greatest cartoonists of the Charlie hebdo galaxy
Château Villa Carmin is a modern and chic Médoc, dominated by notes of red fruit with a round, unctuous and suave mouth.
The palate expresses itself with accuracy, generous and complex. A well-balanced wine with a silky texture and a sensual and refined finish.A beautiful Médoc, classic and pleasant.
Legendary, the most famous sweet wine in the world.A dense and sapid nectar that sweeps you away like a cyclone but that you want to drink without waiting for it to grow.Magistral!
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