Ordering and payment terms

Nose in Glass is the commercial brand of the S.A.S. HERAIL

S.A.S. HERAIL is a simplified share company with a capital of 40,000 Euros, registered

at the BÉZIERs RCS under 393 752 894 and has SIRET 393 752 894 00039.

Its head office is located 13, rue Paul Guéry - ZAC des Rodettes - 34120 PEZENAS. France

It is registered under the VAT number FR66 393 752 894 and the code APE 4634 Z.

The site en/ is the property of the S.A.S. HERAIL in its entirety, as well as all the rights associated with it. All reproductions, either complete or partial, must be systematically subject to the permission of the owners. However, hypertext links to the site are allowed without specific requests.

Designations :

The SAS HERAIL may be designated by language agreement here, under the name Le Nez dans Le Verre.

Prior to any order, anyone browsing the site will be designated as "User."

Anyone who has accepted an order, by validation of payment, will be referred to below as "The Buyer."

The site "en/" will be designated by language agreement "Nose in the Glass" or "The Site"."

The Terms and Conditions of Sale will be designated by the "CGV" language agreement and terms of use (CGU).

-1- Application of these terms and conditions of sale

These conditions apply to the sale of products by Le Nez dans Le Verre on its shop accessible via the internet (en/) and by telephone. They are automatically made available to the buyer on the home page of the Nose in glass website.

It is enough for the buyer to click on "General Terms of Sale" to know the terms of his order, even before he has started the ordering process. Accordingly, the fact of ordering implies the full and unqualified adherence of the buyer to these C.G.V.s, to the exclusion of any other documents such as prospectuses, catalogues issued by the seller and which have only an indicative value. The fact that the seller does not avail himself at any given time of any of the provisions of these provisions cannot be construed as a waiver to avail himself of any of those conditions at a later date. In the absence of a specific stipulation to these conditions and agreed in writing between the parties, orders are subject to these General Terms of Sale regardless of the clauses that may appear on the buyer's documents. Our offers are exclusively reserved for the private customers, excluding professional resellers. The buyer states that he became aware of and accepted these General Terms of Sale prior to the order. The validation of the order is therefore worth accepting these General Terms of Sale. As these may be subject to changes, the applicable conditions are those in effect on our website on the date of the order.

-2- Features and content of the offer

2.1. Characteristics of marketed products

Nose in Glass sources products from manufacturers (vignerons, cooperatives, traders) who have expressly agreed to be referenced on the Site.

The Nose in The Glass reserves the right, at any time, to add new products, to remove all or part of the products sold or presented on the Site, to change their presentation or to stop their marketing on its Site, without it being obliged to notify the User beforehand.

The user can acquire one or more products expressed on the site.

In accordance with Article L. 111-1 of the Consumer Code, the site provides the user with the essential features of the product or products that the user can view before purchase. Minor variations in product representation, such as a change in the writing style, or product packaging that does not involve changes in organoleptic qualities, volume, capacity, concentration or price, or any other essential characteristics, cannot be considered as a legitimate reason for the product's return.

Nose in Glass cannot guarantee that the information on product packaging or described in product listings will be translated into foreign languages. The information provided is available in French.

For any questions regarding the products and their use or request for advice, the Buyer can contact the Dedicated Customer Service, by calling (price of a local call) from France, at the service opening hours indicated in the "Contact Us" section of the Site.

The Buyer can also visit the Nose in the Glass store, a physical point of sale, for personalized advice.

2.2 Product Authenticity - Legislation

Nose in Glass only distributes authentic products on its website, in accordance with current French and European laws and standards.

It cannot be held liable in the event of non-compliance with the laws of the country to which the product will be delivered. It is up to the user to check with the local authorities of the country of delivery of the products, the possibilities of importing or using the products and services he plans to order.

2.3 Product prices

The sales prices of the products online on the Site en/ applicable in connection with the distance sale are shown in euros and all taxes included (French VAT), and are those in effect at the time of the order by the User. The selling prices of the products can be changed by Le Nez dans la Verre at any time without prejudice to the amount stipulated at the time of the order.

These prices do not include delivery charges, charged in addition to the price of the products purchased. Shipping costs are shown before the purchaser registers the order.

It is up to the customer to select the country of delivery to see the amount of transport corresponding to the chosen delivery country. Delivery rates for ordering are available on the website under "Transport and Delivery."

The following shipping arrangements are provided for in the CGVs and are recalled on the Site; they can be modified at any time by Nose in Glass.

-3- Order and payment terms

3.1. Navigation

The user can browse freely on the different pages of the site without being hired under an order.

3.2. Order registration

Any Order requires acceptance of these General Terms of Sale and the provisions relating to the use of cookies, without prejudice to the specific contractual terms concluded between the Parties.

The Buyer has the option, at any time, to verify the details of his order and to change its contents before validating payment.

Once the payment has been validated:

- the Buyer acknowledges knowingly accepting the contents and terms of the Order submitted and in particular the present General Terms of Sale.

- the Buyer recognizes the obligation to pay as a result of his order, as well as the prices, volumes, characteristics, quantities and delivery times of the products offered for sale and ordered by him.

Once this step has been validated, the sale is considered final subject to the Purchaser's exercise of his right of withdrawal under the terms of Article 6 of these General Terms of Sale.

This order is confirmed by Le Nez dans le Verre by sending an e-mail to the Buyer (the "order confirmation email").

All e-mails are addressed to the e-mail address entered by the Buyer at the time of registration or identification, prior to the order being placed.

Nose in glass is entitled to cash the full price corresponding to the order: - Regarding payments made by Gift Cards or online assets: as soon as the order confirmation email is sent: - Regarding payments made by other payment methods accepted on the Site in accordance with Article 4.1. e-mail confirming the Buyer's order.

Also, in the event of an error in the entry of the email address concerned, or of not receiving the order confirmation e-mail, le Nez dans le Verre cannot be held responsible. In this case the sale will be considered final, except in cases of cancellation of the order by Le Nez dans le Verre, especially for unavailability of the products. The Buyer will nevertheless be able to exercise his right of withdrawal under the conditions of Article 6 of these General Terms of Sale.

3.3. - Payment and Payment Mode

Orders are final only when they have been confirmed by the buyer's price settlement. The payment of products can be done by cheque, transfer, bank card or American Express card.

Bank card

Credit card payments are secured by an online payment system with SSL standards. In addition, all the banking information you give us when you buy online is neither stored nor visible on the internet. Nose in Glass certifies the confidentiality of your data.

Only bank cards with the acronym CB, VISA, EUROCARD, MASTERCARD or AMERICAN EXPRESS are accepted.


Euro-only cheques domiciled in France only. Addressed to the order of Le Nez dans le Verre - SAS Herail at our head office: 13 rue Paul Guery - ZAC des Rodettes 34120 Pézenas.

Bank transfer

Dupuy Bank, Parseval | Domicile: 30 Place Jean Jaures 34500 Béziers

RIB: Bank Code: 12939 | BOX code: 00055 | Account number: 34404424769 | RIB key: 32 | BIC/SWIFT Code: BDPUPF2S - IBAN: FR76 1293 9000 5534 4044 2476 932

The payment comes in full as soon as the customer confirms his order on the website. An invoice will be drawn up by Le Nez dans le Verre - SAS Herail and available in the "my account" section on the site. At the customer's request, an invoice may be sent to the customer by email, or to his billing address. The products remain the property of the SAS Herail- The Nose in the Glass until the full payment of the invoices, in accordance with The terms of Law No. 80 336 of May 1, 1980, relating to the property reserve, however the buyer becomes responsible for the items as soon as the delivery, the transfer of possession being worth transfer of risks. All our offers are limited to stocks available without commitment and unless sold in the meantime.

In case of a break on a product purchased and stipulated "in stock" on the site, Le Nez dans le Verre undertakes to contact you within 48 hours to agree on a change or partial or full refund of the order (at the customer's convenience).

In order to give it complete satisfaction, The Nose in the Glass may have to consult the Buyer by phone in order to agree on a personalized solution, which the Buyer agrees by informing the "telephone" fields of the registration form.

3.4 Limiting the number of units orderable

Considering the character Rare or speculative of certain products, restrictions on the quantities available may be applied. In such a case, the available quantity means limited by household (same name, same address, same email address, same account holder or bank card holder), So Le Nez dans le Verre reserves the right to refuse an order if there is any doubt about the existence of an earlier order on such a product.

The restriction of the number of units ordered cannot therefore be characterized as a refusal to sell.

3.5 Product Availability

The availability of the products is communicated to the User when browsing the site by means of the indicator: in stock, in the process of replenishment, or unavailable. The availability of the products is communicated to the Buyer at the time of the handing over of his Order, in the summary of the basket, subject to the accuracy of the physical stock and any inventory errors. In the latter case, in the event of an error on availability or in case of subsequent unavailability to the un predictable ordering, Le Nez dans le Verre undertakes to implement all means in order to honor the order in the shortest possible time.

All products also stipulated "available within 10 days" on the site are subject to available and real stock kept from the castle/domain directly or the trader/broker who makes the offer. Also Le Nez dans le Verre undertakes to contact you within 48 hours to agree on a change or partial or full refund of the order (depending on the customer's convenience).

3.6. Definitive validation of the order

After learning the status of the order, and once all the information has been completed by the User, the user validates his payment by bank card, cheque or the use of a gift card. The order is therefore registered and becomes irrevocable, notwithstanding the exercise of the right of revocation framed by the consumer code in its articles L 121- 19 and following.

The User then becomes the Buyer. The en/ site's automatic registration systems are considered to be worth proof of the content of the order and its date.

3.7. Order Confirmation

Once the Buyer has validated his payment, a summary of the Buyer's order appears and mentions the transaction number. Within 1 working day after the order has been registered, the Buyer receives an acknowledgement by email; If this document was not received within the specified time frame, it is up to the Buyer to contact Le Nez dans le Verre as it is possible that his order could not have been registered for technical reasons. If the acknowledgement of the order cannot be distributed to the email address indicated, the order will be cancelled. The order will only be considered firm and final after confirmation by Le Nez in Le Verre.

3.8. Changing control

Any change in the order requested by the Buyer can only be taken into account if it has reached Le Nez dans la Verre by e-mail before the products are shipped and subject to the availability of the products.

3.9 Cancellation for payment incident or fraud

Nose in The Glass reserves the right to suspend or cancel any execution of an Order and/or delivery, regardless of its nature at any time in the ordering process, in the event of default or partial payment of any money owed by the Buyer, in the event of a payment incident, or in the event of fraud or attempted fraud relating to the use of the Site en/, including in the case of previous orders.

If your file is rejected by our audit department, Le Nez dans le Verre is entitled to require proof of identity and residence from the buyer (as well as a K BIS extract if the buyer is a legal person). If the buyer refuses or the coins are not complied with, Le Nez dans le Verre may demand a transfer payment against the cancellation of the bank transaction or the destruction of the cheque issued by the buyer. If you do not accept it, the customer can request the cancellation of their order.

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